Thursday, April 19, 2007

Closed for business

I wrote my last invoice last week and now have nothing ahead of me for the next two months other than our journey.

None of my famous projects on the go in their various stages of 'incompleteness', nobody to talk to about future collaboration, no networking meetings, I said good bye to my Master mind group, no long ‘To Do’ lists actually they are supposed to be ‘Next Action’ lists (if I ever reach the for me seemingly unobtainable heights of GTD - Get Things Done heaven), no more telephone conferences booked……….

When the phone rings it is either somebody persistent from an Indian call centre (there has been a plethora of those lately – what is going on??) or it is a friend or family members making helpful statements like:

‘Not long now’

‘Do you now wish you had organise a luxurious beach holiday for Gary’s 50th birthday’

‘Wow, that is quite a distance’

‘How is the training going?’

So like Gary said in his previous blog and my good friend Jo reiterated. This walk is not about ‘doing’, it is about ‘being’. Western education and life style leaves me ill prepared for just ‘being’. So we craftily build in some ‘doing’ things – like committing to keeping the blog up to date on this gorgeous thing of beauty:

And I am going to ponder the question how I can combine the things I love to do like craft & art, messing around with words, group coaching & training into one business that not only makes me happy but also turns a good profit. Is pondering ‘being’ or ‘doing’?????

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