Sunday, April 01, 2007


I was talking to my mother yesterday and she said she has to practise walking because she is going on a sight seeing tour in May. We joked about us both having to practise walking.

My mother has two knee replacements and 20 months ago she stumbled, fell and broke her leg badly which knocked her confidence. Since then she has fallen several times, thankfully not breaking anything but due to the artificial knee joints it is difficult for her to get up again on her own (which really bugs her). Her pride will not allow her to use a walking stick but neither will she ever give up. I admire her tenacity and grit greatly. She has always had it. Whether it was combining five children with a pristine house and garden or never staying down for long when she struggled with excruciatingly painful kidney infections and eventually losing one kidney. She turned 70 last year and has done an amazing job creating a new life for herself since my father died eight years ago.

My father died from a lung disease and in his last months he had to carry a rucksack with a supply of oxygen to be able to go anywhere. He knew his disease was progressive and incurable but he made the best of his life without drama. Not once did I hear him lament his fate. I am not sure I would be able to live out my life so dignified if I was in his situation.

And then there is Gary’s mum who is now practically housebound because she simply has not got enough breath to walk any distance. She is not a giver upper either and you rarely hear her complain.

Both our parents are good working class people. My father was a labourer in a factory, Gary's a labourer at the docks in London. They never had the choices they enabled us to have.

Gary and I often talk about how grateful and lucky we are and this year how privileged we are to be able to do attempt this walk (hey, a bit of caution is ok I think). Part of this is to find pleasure in simple experiences, special moments and making connections with other people rather than accumulating expensive stuff or chasing after the acknowledgement and praise from other people.

Walking through Kent in the sunshine last week for example. We walked for hours without seeing anybody – amazing as we were only 12 miles away from London city centre and there were some breathtaking views! And we were talking about love, life and the universe all the way. What better way to spend a Wednesday lunch!!