Today was a day that my feet decided to reject the rest of my body. Buoyed up by our achievements of the previous two days, we had no hesitation in taking on a walk of 22 kilometres through endless rolling countryside and lovely Franken villages, that would end in the beautiful old town of Wertheim. Unfortunately, after about 18 Kilometres, my feet felt as if they had been cooked in a deep fat fryer. Everything from my ankles down hurt like hell, all in subtlety different ways.
Top of the list were my always troublesome Archilles Tendons. I always knew, from my previous experience, that they could be my biggest physical challenge and could turn out to be...well...my Archillies Heel. After two trouble free days, they decided to remind me of their existence. With immense patience and encouragement form Doris, I managed to hobble a few Kilometres, before taking a break to have a serious think, some 4 kilometres from our destination. A rest and a change of footwear rejuvenated me but the right tendon is very sore. Hopefully, it will, tomorrow, having reminded of its existence and its need to be consulted about my plans, will fade gracefully into the background until I, again, have the temerity of challenge its authority.
By the way, if I see a little obsessed by weights and measures in these early entries then please forgive me. My only excuses is that 12 Kilograms still feels heavy and 20 Kilometres still feels a reasonably long way to carry it. Hopefully that will change as our stamina and fitness improves. Hopefully.
Top of the list were my always troublesome Archilles Tendons. I always knew, from my previous experience, that they could be my biggest physical challenge and could turn out to be...well...my Archillies Heel. After two trouble free days, they decided to remind me of their existence. With immense patience and encouragement form Doris, I managed to hobble a few Kilometres, before taking a break to have a serious think, some 4 kilometres from our destination. A rest and a change of footwear rejuvenated me but the right tendon is very sore. Hopefully, it will, tomorrow, having reminded of its existence and its need to be consulted about my plans, will fade gracefully into the background until I, again, have the temerity of challenge its authority.
By the way, if I see a little obsessed by weights and measures in these early entries then please forgive me. My only excuses is that 12 Kilograms still feels heavy and 20 Kilometres still feels a reasonably long way to carry it. Hopefully that will change as our stamina and fitness improves. Hopefully.
Hallo Ihr Beiden,
beim Lesen tun mir die Füsse weh! - Meine größte Hochachtung läuft mit Euch!!!!!
Ich hoffe, Ihr habt wenigstens schöne Landschaften und Würzburg war die letzte größere Stadt, die Euch die Hitze des Asphalts spüren ließ...
Wir wünschen Euch -im Gegensatz zu unserem Garten- noch lange Tage trockenes Wetter und gute Erholung für die Füße, Beine und Schultern...
Good luck!
mit Harald & Viktoria
Hey guys
AMAZING! John and I just returned from the bonnie banks of Scotland and admired all the hikers from a distance, feeling really bad for sitting in our comfy car...
You guys have braved it, overcome the first hurdle and even went for the longer distance than first calculated!!! Please dont give up. I've been inspired by your journey all this time and cant bear to have the thriller end before it even started :-)
Sending over thoughts of Arnika, prayers, encouragement, big pints of colllld wet liquid and soft fuzzy ground for walking on.
Ich hoffe, Euch geht's noch gut. Die Beschreibung von Gary's Füssen hat sich gar nicht schön angehört.
Luise und ich drücken Euch mit Bewunderung (und nur ganz wenig Kopfschüttel ;-)alle Daumen, dass Ihr's weiter schafft.
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