Monday, April 23, 2007

Major Donation

On Thursday I met back up with a group of lovely people I used to get up for at 6 am every Thursday morning for about three years. We were a networking group and for some reason this group had good karma from the very beginning. I made some great connections and feel all warm and fuzzy about all of them. Hi guys, I had a lovely evening and I understand Warren is going to host the next get together in his beautiful garden.

Over the years we also managed to accumulate quite a bit of surplus in the group's bank account. Of that a (surprisingly) modest amount went on our dinner and the rest is going to be shared between two charities. One is Medicines sans Frontiers and we are proud to add about £ 1200 to our sponsorship - that is £ 1 for every kilometer we are going to walk. Gary and I are very grateful!!

Elaine, please hit the 'donate now' button just up and to the right, follow the instructions (I know that is a challenge, but do try) and make us look really impressive please.

After all we have not walked a mile yet and we have already had some very faithful and trusting souls donate so much money. You bullies - more reasons so we can't chicken out.

Anybody else who feels like piling the pressure on us? Hit the button that says:

Bring it on.......................................

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