Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Day 4 – 26 Kilometres : Total so far 100 Kilometres

Doris has already covered most our our day and, in particular, the surprise visit of Gisela, Toni, Juliana and Felix which was a real treat.

Here are some other random thoughts on our journey so far.

Every day seems to begin and end the same way – limping. More often than not, this is due to stiffness and minor tweaks that are soon walked off. Last night at dinner, Doris commented that she “had lost control of her feet”. I wonder whether it will ever be thus? And have to admit to a certain satisfaction in this “badge of honour” of a tough day, soon shaken off.

My troublesome tendons may or may not turn out to be more serious. Doris said not to mention them but I feel that an update is necessary. As we are now only occasionally on-line, I feel like a war zone hostage or Big Brother participant, unaware of what the public at large or the tabloid press are saying about by Archilles Tendons. I feel the need to put my side of the story.

In short, today was tough. I really didn't know, this morning, whether I would be able to walk very far at all. Up and down hill is particularly difficult, so we decided to stay level. The soreness was omnipresent but so was the magnificent scenery of the wooded river Main valley – a real compensatory bonus.

I am a little surprised to have ended the day, having walked 26 Kilometres and pushed our total distance walked to 100 Kilometres – achieved a day earlier than planned! And right now, I feel no worse than yesterday but tomorrow is hilly, so we shall see. Doris, suggests a relatively short walk and some time off. Sounds sensible and quite unlike us.

I'll try not to write about this topic again but crave your indulgence so far, as it is one of the few physical things that I genuinely fear could put an end to our journey, if it gets worse. Hopefully, it will not and it will settle down to be a troublesome nuisance or dissapear altogether.

Changing tack, and if you have read this far you should perhaps consider getting out more, I have been considering whether each day should have a musical theme. So far my thoughts are:

Day 1 - “Kind and Generous” by Natalie Merchant
Day 2 - “In the City” by the Jam
Day 3 - “Feats Don't Fail Me Now” by Little Feat
Day 4 - “With a Little Help From Our Friends” by Joe Cocker and the Grease Band

If I ever get on-line again, I'll see if I can find some links to the music, on YouTube or elsewhere. In the meantime, please post your own musical suggestions if you can be arsed.


Anonymous said...

What about "Always look at the bright side of life" :)?

Applaus für die ersten hundert Kilometer!!!!! Ihr habt Level 1 geschafft und könnt jetzt jederzeit aufhören. Was Ihr natürlich nicht machen werdet, weil ich sonst hier nichts mehr spannendes zu lesen habe.

Im letzten Focus stand ein Bericht über Email-Sucht, ab welcher Klick-Häufigkeit pro Tag spricht man eigentlich von Blogg-Sucht?

Bleibt dran, soweit Euch die Füße tragen und die Qual noch Spaß macht.

Liebe Grüße

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

What about "these boots are made for walking, that's what they're gonna do, these boots are made for walking, they're gonna walk all over you"?

Nancy Sinatra I believe, a true scion. Or maybe Lulu.

I am delighted to see you are still standing, more yet, making great progress.

(Aha! - "I'm still standing" Elton John)

But how many miles to Babylon!

Still, only a few "steps to heaven."

Well, that's enough. All my best wishes, and delighted to see it going so well. Look forward to many future installments.

Best foot forward! (probably has some literal truth at the moment)

Best wishes


Philippa said...

You do realise that you have condemned yourself to many renderings of that comic relief blockbuster '500 miles'. Oh Gary...why do you do these things!!!


Philippa and Sam

Anonymous said...

Ich hoffe, der alte Rocker
"I'm walking.."
(ja, der von der Aral- Werbung)
trifft noch zu -
man hört leider seit Tagen nichts neues mehr von Euch.


Jürgen und Luise